Why I Am Not an Atheist, Part 4

The Resurrection

By Jon Kauffman

Gary Habermas in his book “On the Resurrection: Evidences, Volume One” gives us 12 verifiable historical facts that support belief that Jesus rose from the dead. These are facts that historians can determine using current methods to determine historical facts.

  1. Jesus died due to the effects of Roman crucifixion.
  2. Jesus was buried, most likely in a private tomb.
  3. Afterwards, the disciples were discouraged, bereaved, and despondent having their previous hope challenged.
  4. The tomb in which Jesus was probably buried was discovered to be empty very soon after his interment.
  5. The disciples reported experience that they thought were actually appearance of the risen Jesus.
  6. The teaching and proclamation of Jesus’s resurrection and the subsequent appearances too place very early after the disciples’ experiences.
  7. These experiences accounted for the disciples’ lives becoming thoroughly transformed, even to the point of being willing to die for their belief.
  8. The disciples’ reports, preaching, and teaching of these resurrection experiences took place in the city of Jerusalem, where Jesus was crucified and buried shortly before.
  9. The gospel message centered on the message of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  10. The gatherings of the Christian community began at approximately this same time, featuring the first day of the week as a frequent time for worship.
  11. James, the brother of Jesus and a skeptic or at least an unbeliever before his conversion, most likely believed and became a follower after he also believed that he saw the risen Jesus.
  12. Just a few years later, Saul of Tarsus (Paul) also became a Christian believer due to an experience that he also concluded was an appearance of the risen Jesus to him.

These facts are agreed on by a majority of historians.

These facts demonstrate to me that the resurrection of Jesus can be believed without a reasonable doubt.

When I was studying the resurrection about 40 years ago the fact that was the clincher for me is number 7 in Habermas’s list: Number 7 says, “These experiences accounted for the disciples’ lives becoming thoroughly transformed, even to the point of being willing to die for their belief.”

I thought, how would it be possible for the disciples to die for something they thought was a lie?

In the face of so much evidence for the resurrection how is it possible that some people do not believe Jesus rose from the dead?

German theologian Wolfhart Pannenberg suggested a reason to Ron Sider, ‘The evidence for Jesus’ resurrection is so strong that nobody would question it except for two things: first, it is a very unusual event; and second, if you believe it happened, you have to change the way you live.’”

Gary R. Habermas, On the Resurrection, Volume 1: Evidences (Brentwood, Tennessee: B & H Academic, 2024)

New Release!!! On the Resurrection: Evidences – Gary Habermas

Copyright © 2024 by Jon Kauffman. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted when used to further the Kingdom of God. Permission is gladly given to re-blog this post.

Glimpsing the Difficulties of Living Homeless

Anabaptist Perspectives

Glimpsing the Difficulties of Living Homeless

What did a team of four students learn when they spent several days (and nights) on the streets of Dallas?

Helping the Homeless/drug addicts.

What is The Dream Center? Matthew Barnett Interview – The Becket Cook

Edited: 12/24/2023

Gender Dysphoria

I have been doing some research on gender dysphoria. Here are some of the resources I have found.

Gender Transformation The Untold Realities | A Documentary Every Parent Needs to Watch

 The Realities About Transgenderism You Are Not Told. Through the real-life experience of several transgender youth and expert interviews, this docudrama provides an uncensored look into the forces behind this movement and reveals untold stories you have never heard in other media. An award-winning Epoch Original docudrama EVERY PARENT needs to watch.

Science, the Transgender Phenomenon, and the Young | Abigail Shrier

Author, Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters This speech was given at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar in Franklin, TN.

Parents, Teachers Start Winning Court Battles Against Secret Gender Transition Policies

A revolt against government policies that many say usurp parental authority is spreading across the nation—especially in blue states where lawmakers have promoted transgender ideology and “gender-affirming care”—according to parents, attorneys, and teachers.

The Scandalous Seven: Thaddeus Williams Interview – The Becket Cook Show Ep. 139

Becket Cook chats with Thaddeus Williams about the seven men who inspired the gender ideology being taught to today’s children. It’s stunning to learn of each of these men’s philosophies and personal lives.

Elton John Quits America, 250 Hollywood Celebs Issue Threat

As his latest tour wraps up, Elton John said that he has no plans to perform again in the United States due to the country’s “growing swell of anger and homophobia.” Specifically, he pointed to the ‘anti-Grooming’, and ‘anti-trans surgery for children’ legislation that has been enacted across the country. Furthermore, Elton John is not alone in this criticism. That’s because, 264 Hollywood Celebrities just co-signed a letter to the CEOs of several big-tech social media companies, urging them to censor viewpoints contrary to the trans-agenda.

After Hormones & Surgery, She Found Christ | Guest: Sophia Galvin | Ep 667

Allie Beth Stuckey talking with Sophia Galvin, founder of Rainbow Redemption Project and detransitioner, who is sharing her fascinating story of transitioning, detransitioning, and ultimately finding salvation through Christ. We discuss her initial feelings of gender dysphoria as a teen and what led her to feel the need to “transition” into a man – a transition that came with life-altering drugs and surgery. Then we discuss her realization that she was actually a woman and her process of de-transitioning. Sophia shares her journey of becoming a Christian and finding her true, permanent identity in Christ. Then, we discuss how believers should approach the topic of transgender ideology and pronouns in a truth-centered way.

The Rainbow Redemption Project

At 17 years old, Sophia, born female, made the decision to transition and become a man. She was led to believe that this would alleviate her gender dysphoria, which she since has realized was a result of deep trauma. But after two years of cross-sex hormone replacement therapy from the age of 18, and a double mastectomy at age 19, she realized at 20 that her life was left severely worse than before. After deciding to detransition, she found no resources to help aid in her in the tumultuous process. So after a year of attempting to move forward in the little strength she had, she ultimately surrendered her life to the Lord. Through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, she has been able to experience true redemption and healing in a way she never could have dreamed possible. So her goal in establishing this organization, is to help other detransitioners actualize this same redemptive power within their own lives, all to the glory of God. She understands from personal experience, that true redemption of a life can only be found through Jesus Christ.

Parents’ Personality Disorders Driving Surge in Trans Kids: Psychiatrists

Playing a role in the sudden rise of transgender children may be “transhausen by proxy,” a term coined for narcissistic parents who push so-called “gender transitioning” on their children, some experts say.

The Truth About Gender Clinics: Whistleblower Jamie Reed

We were bullying people into these concepts. It was an ideological bullying across the medical spectrum. And as you pull out of medicine, you see this in the schools, in journalism, in peer-reviewed publications—it’s everywhere.”

In 2018, Jamie Reed began working as a case manager at a pediatric gender center. But after witnessing firsthand the irreversible effect that “gender-affirming care” was having on children, she decided to speak out.

“At the end of the day in these centers, nobody was the responsible one. So, the therapists would write a letter thinking that the endocrinologist was making the decision, the endocrinologist would say, ‘But the therapist wrote the letter.’ And then they would all go and say, ‘But the parents are making the decision,’” says Ms. Reed.

She was recently instrumental in Missouri state legislation to extend the statute of limitations for those harmed by gender treatment. That fear of liability, claims Ms. Reed, was enough to close her former gender clinic.

“I was complicit, I worked in an industry that was harming children. And the thing that I have to grapple with every day is making amends for that and trying to address the wrongs that I participated in,” says Ms. Reed.

Inside the Transgender Empire by Christopher F. Rufo

The transgender movement is pressing its agenda everywhere. Most publicly, activist teachers are using classrooms to propagandize on its behalf and activist health professionals are promoting the mutilation of children under the euphemistic banner of “gender-affirming care.” The sudden and pervasive rise of this movement provokes two questions: where did it come from, and how has it proved so successful? The story goes deeper than most Americans know.

How Jesus Redeemed My Gender Confusion – Dr. Linda Seiler

Linda Seiler shares her remarkable story about growing up desperately wanting to be a boy. She describes her 20-year struggle with gender confusion and same-sex attractions, which were not resolved after her conversion to Christianity. After confessing her secret to a college pastor who exemplified God’s compassion and grace, Linda spent the next 11 years seeking healing and restoration of her true identity as a woman. An identity that she completely embraces today!

5 Lies of Our Time: Rosaria Butterfield Interview

Becket Cook chats with Rosaria Butterfield about her new book, “Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age.” Modern culture is increasingly outspoken against a biblical understanding of what it means to be a woman. Even some Christians, swayed by the LGBTQ+ movement, have rejected God’s word on issues of sexuality and gender in favor of popular opinion. In light of these pressures, it’s more important than ever to help women see the truth about who God created them to be. In this powerful book, Rosaria Butterfield uses Scripture to confront 5 common lies about sexuality, faith, feminism, gender roles, and modesty often promoted in our secular culture today. Written in the style of a memoir, this book explores Butterfield’s personal battle with these lies―interwoven with cultural studies, literary criticism, and theology―to help readers see the beauty in biblical womanhood, marriage, and motherhood.

JP Sears On Satan And Accidentally Becoming More Christian

JP Sears is on The Babylon Bee Podcast to talk about being comfortable in a women’s swimsuit, living his truth, and changing his mind on God. The nature of Satan and evil come up and also how to know if you are hearing God correctly. He also answers a brand new set of ten questions.

Revival in California: Ross Johnston Interview – The Becket Cook Show Ep. 150

I am currently reading 3 books on the subject:

Across the Kitchen Table: Talking about Trans with Your Teen, by Sam A. Andreades.

Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age, by Rosaria Butterfield.

Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shrier.

Revised: 11/12/2023
Revised: 11/19/2023
Revised: 1/21/2024
Revised: 1/25/2023

Guarding Our Thoughts

by Jon Kauffman

Salvation Army Major Joseph Wheeler told this story, suppose a mother was making a salad. Her daughter came in and announced that she was going to a movie with questionable themes. The mother reached into the garbage can, grabbing a handful garbage and threw it into the salad.

The daughter asked, why did you do that?

The mother explained, “That is what you are doing with your mind.”

In the same way, if we throw the garbage of this world into minds, we take a chance of losing the joy and peace and love that God has given us with our Salvation through Jesus Christ.

If we guard our hearts and minds thinking about whatever is true and noble and right and pure and lovely, we will experience the joy and peace of Jesus in our lives.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:4-8.

Copyright © 2023 by Jon Kauffman. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted when used to further the Kingdom of God. Permission is gladly given to re-blog this post.

Why I am Not an Atheist, Part 3

Atheists Change the Meaning of Faith.

By Jon Kauffman

Several atheists have tried to convince me that atheism is true. Most atheists are not evangelical atheists and most of my atheist friends do not try to convert me. I have been asked by several atheists why I am not an atheist. I am answering that question.

I am thankful for outspoken atheists. As a result, many Christians have gone to great lengths to explore the validity of the Christian faith.

Biblical scholars have used textual criticism to demonstrate the Bible to be extremely reliable compared to early manuscripts of other ancient texts.

Many apologists have developed the historical evidence available to demonstrate evidence for the resurrection of Jesus.

Christian scientists have written many books demonstrating that science and the Christianity are compatible.

Definition of Faith

How do atheists define faith: Peter Singer says, “And what is faith? It is just believing in something for which you have neither rational arguments nor good evidence.”

How does the dictionary define faith: 2. a. 1: belief and trust in and loyalty to God. 2: Belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion. Meriam Webster.

Also: The assent of the mind to the truth of a proposition or statement for which there is not complete evidence; belief in general. The Century Dictionary.

How I define faith: I agree that faith is a belief and trust in and loyalty to God. Belief in God is based on the evidence. Faith comes when evidence ends and gives us confidence to reasonably believe what is logically based on that evidence. But faith is more. Whenever we believe something that is a logical extension to the evidence, we are practicing faith. Almost everything we believe is based faith

Example: A paleontologist may find a jaw bone and tell us many things about that animal. If we follow the evidence, more bones found later may prove some of his theories incorrect and change our view of that jaw bone. We can have faith that the conclusions reached by the paleontologist correspond to truth about that animal.

If we follow the evidence, we can have faith that Jesus rose from the dead. The evidence is strong enough that we can easily believe that beyond a reasonable doubt the resurrection occurred. Millions have believed. Based on the fact of the resurrection, we can by faith follow the teachings of Jesus in the way we live. Because we are human our knowledge of the truth about God is very limited.

Everyone has faith. Each of us has a worldview. Our worldview is what we think is really true about our world, ourselves and about God. That worldview is determined by our experiences, the culture in which we live, the evidence we see in theology, philosophy, and science. As our knowledge increases our world view may change.

We are very small human beings, on a tiny planet earth, on a small galaxy that is one of billions. From a scientific perspective we know almost nothing. From a spiritual perspective we know almost nothing. Almost everything we think we know is based on faith.

Atheists pretend the evidence does not exist.

Atheists pretend that the New Testament is not reliable. “How Badly Was the New Testament Corrupted?”, Dan Wallace at SDSU.

They pretend evidence of Israel in Egypt at the time of the Exodus does not exist.

They pretend evidence for reality beyond the material world does not exist.

They pretend scientists who disagree with them are liars.

They pretend evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus does not exist.

They claim that changes in behavior by those Christian’s who experience Christ are only psychological. They do not understand. We cannot understand until we have experienced it.

By blind faith atheists believe the blind watchmaker can create the universe and life and fill in the gaps.

When atheists begin looking for truth, they find God.

We know that atheists such as C. S. Lewis, Alistar McGrath, Jane Fonda, Lee Strobel, David Wood and Michael Guillen and many other atheists became Christian due to the evidence.

The historical evidence strongly suggests that Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus became Christian before their deaths.

Anthony Flew became a deist.

When we become Christian, the Holy Spirit speaks to us. Many people experience drastic changes in their lives and in their behaviors. As we develop a relationship with Jesus our personal experience provides more evidence.

My experience with Jesus and the great changes that accompanied my conversion to Christian faith have not been explained in any reasonable way by atheists as far has I have read their literature or in discussions with them.

Great archeological finds.

“For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12

In this world of unbelief, the mountains and hills are breaking forth into singing and giving us evidence. The boyhood home of Jesus has been found in Nazareth. The site of Sodom has been found. A great deal of evidence for Israel in Egypt dated from 1850 BC to 1450 BC has been found. More evidence demonstrating the reliability of the Bible as a historically accurate document is being found by archeologists every year.

The New Testament often refers to the Evidence.

Writers of the New Testament thought we can only believe if we have evidence. They often referred to the evidence.

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim concerning the Word of life. The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us. We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. We write this to make our[a] joy complete. 1 John 1: 1-4.

Only by the evidence can we figure this out.

“There is evidence that God exists and that the Christian faith is true.” John Lennox

If we want to believe in Jesus and follow Jesus, we can see by the evidence that we can believe and follow Jesus.

If we do not want to believe and follow Jesus, we can easily come up with one more excuse explaining why we should not believe.

If we pretend evidence does not exist and do not include that evidence in forming our world view, how is it possible to have a faith or a world view that corresponds to reality?

There is evidence that Jesus rose from the dead. If we pretend that evidence does not exist, then we cannot even evaluate the validity of that evidence.

And why do atheists pretend the evidence does not exist?

German theologian Wolfhart Pannenberg suggested a reason to Ron Sider, ‘The evidence for Jesus’ resurrection is so strong that nobody would question it except for two things: first, it is a very unusual event; and second, if you believe it happened, you have to change the way you live.’”

If Jesus is not risen from the dead than our faith is useless.

8 “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim: 9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. 11 As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” Romans 10:6-11

If atheists what to convince me, they need to prove that I cannot trust the evidence for the resurrection.

Referenced in this post:

 “Is Atheism Dead?” by Eric Metaxas.

“Believing is Seeing: A physicist Explains how Science Shattered his Atheism and Revealed the Necessity of Faith” by Michael Guillen, PhD.

“Against the Tide, Finding God in an Age of Science” John Lennox, Kevin Sorbo.

“The Universe Next Door, A Worldview Catalog” by James W. Sire.

How Badly Was the New Testament Corrupted?”, Dan Wallace at SDSU.

Copyright © 2022 by Jon Kauffman. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted when used to further the Kingdom of God. Permission is gladly given to re-blog this post.

Revised 1/6/2024
Revised 12/28/2023
Revised 5/24/2023
Revised: 5/16/2023
Revised: 11/30/2022

Why I am Not an Atheist, Part 2.

Atheism is Incompatible with Science.

By Jon Kauffman

Over the last 40 years several atheists have tried to convince me that I should be an atheist. Over the years I found several reasons that atheism does not make sense to me.

Several months ago, I read “Believing is Seeing, A Physicist Explains How Science Shattered His Atheism and Revealed the Necessity of Faith.” By Michael Guillen. Before he became a Christian, in his search for truth, Guillen compared science with atheism, Christianity and several other world views. Here is a chart he shared in his book to compare a few of his findings:

Guillen’s comparisons

I can also think of other inconsistencies between science and atheism.

We can continue the line of questioning that Guillen used in his book.

Does the Universe have a beginning?

Science: Yes, Atheism: No, Christianity: Yes.

For science the universe starts with a big bang. For Christianity the universe starts with a creative act from God who is outside of time and space.

Since the discovery of the background radiation a majority of scientist have believed that the universe has a beginning. Before Einstein, a majority of scientists believed in an eternal universe.

Atheism is incompatible with a beginning to the universe because then there is insufficient time for life to be created by chance.

Albert Einstein fudged his numbers creating a “cosmological constant” to avoid a beginning. He later claimed it was his “biggest mistake.” Albert Einstein was not an atheist, however this demonstrates that all of us have great difficulty changing our world view even with the best of evidence.

Stephen Hawking tried to redefine “nothing” to mean “the law of gravity.”

 “Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing,” he writes. “Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist.

“It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going.” Stephen Hawking, The Grand Design, page 180

Laurance Kraus changed the meaning of “nothing” to mean the empty vacuum of space.

Kraus said, “Since something is physical, nothing must be physical”

When John Lennox asked Kraus what this statement meant, Kraus said, “I suggest to you that nothing is a colloquial term that means many different things to many people. If empty space is your definition…not only will something come from it, something is required to come from it. Science has just changed the definitions. I call it learning.” John Lennox/Kevin Sorbo, Against the Tide, Finding God in an Age of Science.

Miriam Webster dictionary defines Nothing:

Definition of nothing (Entry 3 of 4)

1a: something that does not exist

b: the absence of all magnitude or quantity.


I think it was Laurance Kraus who changed the meaning of “nothing”, not science.

If we need to fudge the numbers, or the change the meaning of nothing to equal the law of gravity or if we need to change the meaning of nothing to be the empty vacuum of space, we have redefined nothing to be something other than what most scientists would define as nothing.

If an atheists must change the meaning of “nothing” to remain an atheist then science is incompatible with atheism.

If as science and Christianity suggest, the universe came from nothing physical, then the Hawking and Kraus quotes seem like gibberish to me.

Science currently cannot tell how the universe was created from nothing. Christianity says that the universe was created by a creator who is outside of time and space, is eternal, and has freedom of choice to create when he wants.

Near death experiences and deathbed experiences give us evidence that it is highly probable that something beyond the material world exists.

The historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus suggests God is reaching out to man and Jesus is an exact representation of that God. A God who can create the universe out of nothing.

If atheists would like to convert me to atheism, they must convince me that nothing can become something.

I am not aware of any scientific evidence that support the theories that the law of gravity, or the empty quantum vacuum of space or multi-universes existed before the big bang.

Copyright © 2022 by Jon Kauffman. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted when used to further the Kingdom of God. Permission is gladly given to re-blog this post.

Revised: 10/23/2022

Why I am Not an Atheist, Part 1

Atheists Fail to Defend Their Position

By Jon Kauffman

Atheism is Good for Christianity.

I think that the new atheists are a good thing for Christianity.

Pressure from new atheists has forced many Christians to re-evaluate the evidence for Christianity.

I have been trying to understand the atheist position for more than 40 years. I have asked questions of atheist friends on Facebook, commented on blogs and listened on Youtube. Sometimes I feel like we are talking past each other. Our world views and philosophy of science and life are quite different.

Discussing world view with atheists can expose weaknesses to my own arguments and perhaps help me dispose of illogical beliefs.

As I search for what is really true and examine the claims of atheists, I find my faith growing for several reasons. As I work through their arguments it becomes more obvious to me that the Christian world view has very good logical support. When we consider scientific evidence, philosophical evidence and theological evidence, I strongly believe it fits the evidence better than any other world view.

I have challenged several atheists to give me good reasons for why I should not be a Christian. To this point they have failed.

I think the debate between Christians and atheists is a very good thing. I want to know what is true. I am willing to consider arguments from everyone. I think this debate has helped many others strengthen their faith as well.

If atheists are able to make a case for their position, it gives others who do not believe a chance to be honest. I think it is wrong for those who believe to be forced to be taught an unwelcome atheist position. It is also a bad thing when an atheist is forced to pretend he is Christian when he is not.  

Atheists Fail to Defend Their Position.

Atheists have failed to support their position in a way I find convincing.

I have asked numerous atheists about the resurrection of Jesus. A very common answer I receive is that no evidence exists for the resurrection. I know from my own research that very good evidence exists for the resurrection of Jesus. I have never received a good factually based argument from an atheist as to why I should not believe in the resurrection of Jesus.

I am looking for truth. Truth does not seem to be a high priority for many atheists. Jerry Coyne an atheist professor has used the illustration that if your grandmother is dying and is looking forward to seeing Jesus, we don’t need to hurt her feelings by telling her that she will not see Jesus. If I am dying, I want to know all the truth I can know. I want to know as much as possible about the afterlife. I do not want the doctor to tell me I am not dying if I am dying. Many parents of fatally ill children do not tell them they are dying. When I was a child if I had been dying, I would have wanted to know.

Some atheists avoid any information that does not conform to their world view. Many archeologists claim that the exodus occurred about 1250 BC. Then they say that because evidence does not exist in Egypt at 1250 BC then the Exodus did not occur. I don’t know why they claim the exodus happened in 1250 B.C. In my limited study of archeology I have found no good evidence for holding the view that the exodus occurred in 1250 B.C.

However, the Bible says that the exodus occurred about 1450 BC and we do find evidence for the exodus in Egypt at that time. I was discussing facts about the Exodus with an atheist, I brought up a piece of evidence. The atheist asked if that evidence came from a Christian. I said yes, he said he would not take the evidence seriously because it came from a Christian. Was this atheist serious about searching for truth?

I am willing to listen to truth even if it does not conform to my world view or if comes from someone that I disagree with in many other areas. Maybe I need to tweak my world view and I welcome a more truthful world view.

Atheism seems to require a materialist world view. I was discussing the scientific evidence for near death experiences and the evidence for a spiritual world with one atheist. She said they are all liars. Really? We also have scientific evidence from deathbed experiences to consider. Avoiding scientific evidence found by studying near death experiences and deathbed experiences seems to be another case of avoiding evidence that does not fit their world view.

We need a philosophy of science to determine how to incorporate science into our lives. We need a philosophical framework to hold a world view such as atheism or Christianity. I was trying to make that point with one atheist and she said she doesn’t need philosophy to know that God does not exist. Really?

Unfortunately, Stephen Hawking’s had many disparaging words about philosophy. It is unfortunate that such a brilliant scientist would have such a confused view about philosophy.

Science must be subservient to philosophy and philosophy must be subservient to theology.

I have not heard convincing evidence from atheists that miracles do not occur.

Many atheists claim that science proves God is unnecessary. I have asked atheists for any proven scientific theories that bring Christianity into question. The response has always been silence. They seem to worship science but cannot use it to support their positions. Curious.

Far from disproving Christianity, I think the evidence that science provides strengthens the case for Christianity.

I wonder if some atheists are atheist because of the evidence or because they hate Christianity. I have read blogs where an atheist will search for mistakes made by Christians or search for Christians who do not live by the teaching of Jesus. They write blog post after blog post tearing down these Christians. This in no way demonstrates Christianity is false. It would be much like pointing out the evils of Stalin and the Communist Soviet Union and claiming all atheists are evil and that Stalin disproves atheism.

I have some atheist friends whose friendly company I greatly enjoy. Finding a few Christian bad apples doesn’t fly in disproving Christianity.


Copyright © 2022 by Jon Kauffman. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted when used to further the Kingdom of God. Permission is gladly given to re-blog this post.

Revised 12/28/2023
Revised 8/16/2022

A Doctor And the Secret to dying well — steveknife

For almost 20 years, I’ve been working as a hospital doctor. While being a doctor isn’t nearly as glamorous as what you see on TV, it can still be intense. I care for people in the best and worst moments of their lives. Of all the different situations I’ve faced, the most memorable professional encounters […]

A Doctor And the Secret to dying well — steveknife